still don’t understand why people call me up for relationship advice? Why? In
my opinion, if by any chance in the future there are three human beings alive
in this planet, you me and your partner and you need relationship advice, you
should talk to the blue sky rather than me. I shouldn't be even the last person
to call up for a relationship advice. But, people do and surprisingly, they
claim that my advice has helped them.
I believe I am a complete jerk when it comes to relationships. I find
maintaining friendship with a few people a strain. All the pre-requisites of a ‘relationship’
bother me. I can’t talk over the phone for more than 15 minutes (unless the
subject is my favourite sport or politics), my weekends are normally filled
with football or Sit-Coms (illegally downloaded), I don’t have any answer to
the question ‘how was your day?’ and a hell lot of other things that are needed
to maintain a relationship that won’t make my partner a serial killer (me being
the first victim of hers).
the people call. A friend of mine called me up this evening to discuss about
the latest mistake that he is going to commit. I told him what I’ll do in his
place (which is not the best advice to be honest) and then I realised, why
these people call us? I have come to two conclusions and either of them might
be right or wrong (there is a bit of Schrodinger in each one of us). First,
they call me to get the outside view, a view that most normal people shouldn't
give and secondly, I think they call me up to know what not to do because whatever
I do, while in a relationship (I have been an unbelievable jerk), shouldn't be
next time you are having partner issues and you pick your phone to call me up. Think
again, one press of a button might ruin your life.
Advice (free ka hai, le lo): If it’s complicated then it is not going to work
out. A relationship should be like Philips, Sense
and Simplicity.